March 18, 2019 at 8:49 a.m.

There is much at stake

Dear Editor:
Speaking not on behalf of the school board but as a taxpaying citizen, I'd like to remind the people of Mineral Point and its surrounding communities that there is an important issue on the April 2nd ballot.
In November, many of you came to the polls in record numbers and voted to approve a $11.9 million resolution to remodel the elementary school at its current site. In December, after a large community meeting and much discussion, the school board voted 4-3 to put on the April 2nd ballot a resolution for a $19.5 million new elementary school at the middle/high school campus.
If the new school resolution passes this April, it will supersede the November resolution and the current elementary school will not be remodeled as planned. If the new school resolution fails, the district unanimously voted to follow the previously passed November resolution to remodel the existing site.
In other words, there is much at stake on the ballot April 2nd. If you want a new elementary school at the middle/high school campus, you need to vote YES. If you want the district to continue with plans to remodel the school at its current site, you need to vote NO. And, if you don't want your taxes to go any higher than what was decided in November, you need to vote NO. If you are not sure how to vote, please go to the Referendum Tab on the school district's website or attend the Open House at the elementary school on Monday, March 18th, 7 p.m.
Thank you for staying informed and engaged throughout this long but important process.
Regardless of the outcome, I am proud that my children attend the Mineral Point Schools and I am honored to be part of this supportive and passionate community.
Aaron Dunn, Mineral Point