March 18, 2019 at 8:47 a.m.

8 Cent Gas Tax Would Be a Bargain!

Dear Editor:
Gas prices went up well over a quarter this past couple of months, with no explanation or benefit to you or me. Not unusual.
One of my sons-in-law holds the mileage record for my old Prius. 64.1 miles per gallon on highway 151 from the intersection with 23 in Dodgeville to the Beltline in Madison! With Governor Evers' proposed gas tax for road repairs, that would be about a nickel extra for a safe, smooth ride all the way to Madison. What a bargain!
However, I need 4 wheel drive to get up my ridiculous driveway in the winter. I have gotten 21 mpg driving my 10 year old honkin' SUV to Madison on 151 as above (with clear weather, tires inflated correctly and the cruise control set at 67 miles per hour and not at a high traffic time). That would cost about 16 cents extra to drive all those miles on a safe, smooth road. Still a very good deal!
Then I ponder my recent estimate for much needed new struts (over $1,000)! Repaired roads for only 8 cents a gallon would be a fabulous deal!!!
And, I wonder, "Would mileage be better without all those bumps and crevasses ?"
M. Resha Wyman