March 11, 2019 at 10:16 a.m.

Please give careful thought

Dear Editor:
Mineral Point will soon be voting on a new referendum regarding facility planning for the Elementary School. To begin, I want to express my thanks to members of the school board, the planning committee and everyone in our community for all their efforts in this process. In disclosure, please note that I am a school board member. This letter is my point of view and I do not profess to represent the school board with these comments or opinions.
We are faced with a pressing need to adequately provide for the safety and learning environment for our elementary students. The community has approved renovation of the existing school in the previous referendum. So you may ask - why are we having another referendum? I feel it is important that you understand the situation the school board faced presenting the first referendum on the voting ballot. As a school board, we were limited to two referendum items. #1 - we needed the $350,000 to fund our school - so that was a priority. #2 - In regard to the facility we were not allowed to have an either/or vote (new school or renovation) per state law. Since that community referendum vote, we have learned many things that are of concern.
First, we have heard from many in the community that they were disappointed by the lack of options. Second, we have also learned that there are multiple and serious concerns with the referendum passed renovation. The concerns include: possible significant foundation repair required, no assessment was made of mine shafts, renovation will likely require a retention pond with its concomitant issues - safety, mosquitoes, liability, etc to name a few. The bus routing was never discussed with the bus drivers and we understand they feel the plan poorly addresses their issues. Also renovation would be restricted by a limited time to do the work - summers only and therefore would take 2+ years to complete. Another issue is that presently Junior High and High School students require transport to the elementary for various functions.
The negatives for the previously passed referendum have increased since the vote. In view of the above and in light of community input, the school board has decided to give you the option to vote for a new facility. What does that bring? Some of the many positives - safety, energy efficiency, more available storage, improved and increased parking, adjacent gym and meeting space, easier maintenance and construction without school disruption. Another cost savings is that presently we pay $50,000/year for the internet while the high school we pay $0. Overall to me this is the better investment!
Our current facility is 60 years old. I feel it is time to provide our students with the advantages of the 21st century education in a facility that will address the educational and safety environment they deserve. Our state student performance is a source of great pride. I know of no one who regrets the difficult decision made 20 years ago for our present high school/middle school facility. This new elementary addition to our campus will ensure continued quality and pride in our buildings for the future of our Mineral Point community.
This letter cannot possibly cover all the information and details to help you make an informed decision. Therefore, I would encourage you to attend an open house information session to learn more. After this letter is published, there will be one more date - March 18, 7 p.m. at the MP elementary library. Other sources - Mitch Wainwright, Superintendent, our online site:, or any of the school board members. I would welcome your opinion and concerns.
Please give careful thought to this important upcoming decision for our community.
Everett R Lindsey
MP school board member.