June 21, 2019 at 12:57 p.m.

Solar District Heating

Dear Editor:
The confusion and conflicts between peoples, being increasingly amplified by the costly impacts of climate-change, extreme storms and global warming, makes most of the affected people less able to make the adaptations necessary to survive. The migration pressures on the southern US border are partly due to the global warming from the pollution of burning fossil fuels. The existing fossil fuel infrastructure in the US, for example, the natural gas pipelines that supply each building form a blockage that resists change to solar district heating. A reference note is the natural gas deadly explosions that we often see on the news. Solar district heating systems could replace natural gas pipelines to each building with insulated hot water pipeline connections to each building, solar thermal collectors and long-term thermal storage. Have a look on the internet at the solar district heating systems operating in northern Europe. It would require leadership for towns like Dodgeville and Mineral Point to plan and implement solar district heating systems to replace the aging natural gas pipelines to each building, and to replace the natural gas burning equipment in the houses and other buildings, with solar district heating systems. The youth seeing the adults and leaders making sincere comprehensive efforts toward renewable energy could avoid some despair and hopelessness that may set in the formative years of the young. Reducing fossil fuel pollution with renewable energy development needs leadership.
Congratulations to the European Greens on the recent election victories.
Joel H. Goodman