June 20, 2019 at 11:28 a.m.

A threat to our Democracy

Dear Editor:
I don't know how many people have received or read this "2020 Voter Registration Confirmation & Survey" by Dr. Ralph Reed Founder and Chairman of the" Faith and Freedom Coalition that some people found in their mailbox, but I did.
I found it to be four pages of some of the worst BS I have ever read. It is filled with lies, unfounded accusations and propaganda I have ever seen.
Examples: Will Trump win a second term "or will the radical, anti-Christian, no-boarders for America Left seize control of the government, the anti-Christian Left won the 2018 mid-term election because of "massive voter fraud"," the radical Left want America to be governed by the United Nations and not our own Constitution."
They call themselves "Constitutionalist" but it is obvious these people and their hero (Trump) have never read the Constitution because they both violate it every day.
This is one of the reasons the writers of the Constitution made it a point to put in the Constitution "Separation of Church and State."
If you disagree with them you are labeled "anti-Christian." They like giving things and people labels like radical Left, anti-Christian, anti-Constitutionalist that just want to kill babies, raise your taxes and take away your guns because they think this scares people to their way of thinking.
Like most people I am not anti-Christian I am anti-hypocrite!
Anyone can say they are a Christian but it is your action that defines who you truly are. People like Dr. Ralph Reed claim to have the moral high ground but they have lost all credibility, they have proven that they are willing to trade their moral values in return for some right wing judges.
In other words they are willing to sell their soul to the Devil to get their agenda.
This is more like a cult were they want to force their beliefs on everyone and when the rest of us don't get in line then they claim they are the victims and that they are being targeted.
This is an internal threat to our Democracy and not what our forefathers intended.
Tom Brabant, Montfort