July 29, 2019 at 10:29 a.m.

Freedom Comes with a Price

Dear Editor:
We as a people live in a democracy. It's termed "Rule by the Ruled."
Is C.H.C. a proposed project where jurisprudence was used? With exclusive privilege in a democratic society responsibility should be used. Total control can become self-serving if not careful. Did the utility companies use prudence and careful planning in 2004 when they crossed the Mississippi? We have seven transmission lines built in Wisconsin. I feel we need answers, not objections.
The transmission companies, remember are deregulated. This is not a "Rule by the Ruled" scenario. It's easy to spend other people's money.
Too much debt is wrong and illusionary. We the people are forced to pay for these transmission projects. I for one use my money prudently. I feel a strong injustice about all this spending when there are alternatives.
I was in a phone conversation with one of Dairyland Power Co-Op public relations gentleman. He emphasized how big this C.H.C. project was. I knew the whole utility industry and the finance industry to be big. Very large when one looks at the whole picture. I as a public intervener realize this would be a hard nut to crack. But my thought to his was to tell that to "David and Goliath."
I am thankful to the Public Service Commission that they have come up with an alternative. Like David, I hope they keep their nerve!
With warm regards,
Patrick Patterson
Mt. Hope