July 22, 2019 at 1:08 p.m.

"How dumb do they think we are?" (Part three)

Dear Editor:
It just doesn't end. How dumb do they think we are, #3. The Republicans outdid themselves this week. Starting with the budget..Sen. Kapenga (R-Delafield) sells Tesla parts. So what did the Republicans do? Right..they passed a bill to allow Tesla to sell directly to customers, and that increases the car parts sales for Kapenga. That ensured Kapenga's vote for passing the budget. Sen. Marklein of the Joint Finance Committee said this budget was "all for the people"...to me, this was bribery, or outright buying a vote. Illegal? No. Unethical? Yes...but then, it is the Republican budget. HDDTTWA???
One budget item dear to my heart was Ever's plan to ensure clean water. Rep. Vos started a Water Quality Task Force which was supposedly bipartisan (12 Republicans, 4 Democrats). HDDTTWA? We know from the balance of power on this committee that he and the Republicans in the House have no intention of helping to keep our water quality safe. This was formed just to appease the 85% of people in WI who want clean water. (What the other 15% want to drink is beyond me). AND then....the Republican led JFC removed the provision for $3million for testing and remediating polluted wells. They obviously don't put their money where their mouths are. HDDTTWA? So, Howard Marklein, tell me again in your weekly email how this budget is for us, since the education system, the roads budget, water quality have all been cut or underfunded.....I'm waiting, Senator.
Thank you,
Barbara Voyce
Lone Rock