July 22, 2019 at 1:07 p.m.

Build The Wall, Crime Will Fall

Dear Editor:
We definitely have a problem on our Southern Border! Democrats keeps insisting that their is no crisis on our border. Take a trip down to the southern border, anywhere between Texas and California, and the population is ranting and raving how these illegal immigrants are taking over our towns, our businesses and our homes. Ranchers are finding dead people, dead cattle and property damage all along the Arizona border. The coyotes have lookout stations all along the border helping illegals cross over into the USA.
The drug cartels control the border and they basically are telling these immigrants that they can't cross unless they go through them. The drug cartels are charging people 5-8 million dollars per person to get into the USA. After they are here, Homeland Security ships these people to big cities that the drug cartels control, and the illegal immigrant gets a job and begins to pay back their fee from their pay checks, which can take years to pay back. Drug gangs make $80 billion a year on these illegal immigrants and drug sales.
Human trafficking is another problem on the southern border. Parents pay these coyotes to accompany young girls to the USA. Little do they know that these girls are raped daily by these coyotes. By the time they get to the US they could be pregnant, or they could have AIDS or other venereal diseases. Human traffickers, posing as parents, come across the border with little kids. This is one time when the kids should be taken away until they know for sure that they are a family unit. Kids are being held against their will and they have little chance of ever having a normal life. These kids could be abducted form these caravans (which some are 10,000 strong) and these mothers wouldn't know where their kids went.
Another problem on the border is that these illegals have contracted deadly diseases. Del Rio and El Paso Texas and Los Angeles California are rife with these diseases. Scabies, chicken pox, measles, mumps, tuberculosis, H1N1 swine flu, flue, colds, lice. There were 51 cases of mumps in Texas so far this year. Ebola is another disease that's causing an epidemic. Ebola comes from the Democratic Republic of Congo, where they're seeing more and more immigrants from Africa. When these illegals come across the border, they lie about having symptoms of these diseases and then they are loaded on to buses and shipped all over the USA. If these diseases aren't caught early, they could die or infect hundreds more before they go for some kind of treatment. This could cause an epidemic sooner or later. Ebola is a catastrophe waiting to happen. People are already vomiting blood when they enter the country and there is no cure! The Border Patrol are now contracting these diseases from the sick illegal immigrants, but they have to keep working in order to process all these immigrants.
These illegal immigrants are automatically signed up for government benefits. Social Security, Medicaid, Snap food stamps, healthcare and subsidized housing are given as soon as they arrive in the USA. They can file for Earned Income Credits every year they are here. One man from Guatemala got $28,000 of Earned Income Credits the first year because he claimed he had 15 kids. They don't need social security numbers so they can collect these benefits as long as they are in the USA. The government doesn't audit any illegal immigrants that come into the country. These benefits cost us &194 billion last year.
The number of illegal immigrants has risen! March, April and May have seen illegal immigrants totaling over 100,000 per month and the total number of illegals have already surpassed last year. We are on the way to double or triple the numbers this year over all the years before. Washington has become a sanctuary state and California and Oregon have gone bankrupt trying to roll over for these immigrants. Not only are we in line to bankrupt many more states but we are in line to have 50% of our population encompass Spanish speaking persons by 2050. Now is the time to start listening to President Trump and not rely on the Democrat lies when it comes to illegal immigration. The only reason they want these illegals is because they vote Democrat. Why should we have to lose our country to illegals just to pacify the Democrats in power. Build the wall - Crime will fall.
Mary Finley
Mineral Point