January 28, 2019 at 10:54 a.m.

It's a slippery slope

Dear Editor:
Society's framework is falling apart. Divisions between us are growing, lack of respect for those in authority, 'snowflake' mentality, increase in violence, suicide rates skyrocketing and this scary list goes on and on.
We spend millions on studies to find the cause but the answer is simple. We've ousted GOD from our Nation. In 1962 we ousted HIM from our schools. On 1/24/73 we ousted HIM from our national conscience by legalizing abortion with the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision.
The "slippery slope" was started by saying there is no longer any absolute moral authority and some lives aren't important.
Since that abominable Roe vs Wade decision over 60 million innocents have been brutally killed. Now our youth play video games killing people for 'fun.' You need studies to explain why that scary list of items is occurring? Da...!!! With a church around almost every corner, where are the shepherds?
"Woe be to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of MY pasture!" Jeremiah 23:1
R. I. P. People of the once great United States of America
Peggy Porter