January 21, 2019 at 8:23 a.m.

Slow start plaques Cardinal girls

"We didn't play defense very well in the first half," said Highland girls basketball coach Josh Tarrell following his team's 63-44 loss at Shullsburg Tuesday night in Six Rivers West action.
The Cardinals were only down two points in that first half when Myah Hennessey, a tough inside player and defender, hurt her knee. She went out with two points.
"That kind of took the wind out of our sails for awhile," Tarrell said. "It took us awhile to get regrouped."
The Cards got the margin down to eight in the second half, but then the Lady Miners went on another run.
"Overall we gave them too many easy looks and they penetrated well," the coach added.
He pointed to Olivia Welsh coming into the game and "giving us a spark." He also said that Katelyn Esser was strong on the boards for them.
On the night, Carlee Kosharek and Esser both netted 11 points to lead the Highland offense.
Shullsburg's Layla Alt hit a trio of three ponters and finished with a game-high 20 points.
Madison Russell and Calli Jerry both had 12. Jerry's ponts all came from long range.
H 19 25-44
S 33 30-63
HIGHLAND 44 (fg, ft, tp) Hennessey 1-0-2, M. Mueller 3-2/4-8, Esser 3-5/6-11, Tarrell 0-0-0, M. Kosharek 0-0-0, C. Kosharek 5-1/2-11, K. Mueller 1-1/2-3, Drury 1-0-2, Welsh 2-3/6-7. Totals 16-12/20-44. F-19. 3-pointers: none.
SHULLSBURG 63: Russell 4-3/6-12, Wiegel 2-4/6-8, Klotz 3-3/6-9, Jerry 4-0-12, Alt 5-7/9-20, Greenfeld 1-0-2. Totals 19-17/27-63. F-15. 3-pointers: Jerry 4, Alt 3, Russell 1.