February 22, 2019 at 11:27 a.m.

Billionaires Meddle In Education

Dear Editor:
Betsy DeVos, the Secretary of Education under President Trump, signed a declaration that places education, under the guise of the New World Order, One World Government under the United Nations. This globalization scheme puts our National Sovereignty at risk.
In 1946, the United Nations established its worldwide education change agent, UNESCO. The UNESCO publication, "In The Classroom: Toward World Understanding," makes clear that they want your child's education taken away from the parents if a one-world-order is to be achieved.
UNESCO's efforts to influence school curriculum were unsuccessful until 2004, when American billionaire, Bill Gates got involved. He then signed a "Cooperation Agreement" with UNESCO. The agreement suggests the purpose of education is to instill in children the right "knowledge, skills, values and attitudes." The curricula include sustainable development (envisioned by the UN and Prince Charles), and non-cognitive skills such as socio-emotional learning. SEL is psychological conditioning to instill values and attitudes. But whose values and attitudes? Their values and attitudes are conditioning the children to be able to live in a society that is based on group think in a totalitarian society. (Think Socialism Wealth Distribution).
The teaching materials are controlled by another billionaire, Jeb Bush, for all Common Core materials. The development and use of open learning materials is designed to bypass getting state board of education approvals while allowing teachers to download lessons promoted by the UN and UNESCO. A major focus in the agreement is the control by central planners and corporations to determine what skills and knowledge students must learn for future market place needs and how a child will "transition from school to work." Here they're talking about vocational training vs college education.
School to work regulations require vocational training to start "at the earliest possible age," but no later than seventh grade. Careers must be chosen by the end of the eighth grade with a narrowed curriculum designed for the selected career instead of a traditional education. (No mention of curricula for college bound kids-think private schools). Under a planned economy (socialism), corporate needs and state directives supersede the choices of individuals. The curriculum has been dumbed down and individual grades are inflated to make you think your kids are well-educated.
"The U.S. Government has no constitutional authority over workforce planning or managing the economy, yet politicians have been passing laws for decades that shred our capitalist system. Our free market economy that has produced the greatest civilization in the history of mankind is being replaced with a state planned economy. (Socialism). History is littered with the remains of regimes that have tried to herd people into a government designed lifestyle only to crash after destroying the Iives of millions."
This article is taken from the "Eagle Forum Report, December 2018 issue."
Mary Finley
Mineral Point