December 24, 2019 at 9:45 a.m.

Needlessly waiting...

Dear Editor:
I read recently that Gov. Evers proposed asking $3.75 million annually to decrease and prevent homelessness in Wisconsin. Republicans in February 2019 introduced eight bills that had the same goals.
All of this funding was approved by the Joint Committee on Finance (JFC). However, Republicans opted to hold the money in their supplemental appropriation fund.
Both Senate and Assembly committees passed the legislation unanimously. As did full Assembly. Republicans in the Senate blocked the bills and adjourned until January 2020.
While the Republicans are on vacation our most vulnerable needlessly have to wait.
In November requests by Gov. Evers and Democrats on the JFC requested the JFC convene to release the funding. On this once bipartisan issue Republicans have remained silent.
Senator Marklein, as a member of the JFC, why do you force those who are facing homelessness wait through our freezing Wisconsin winter months to receive assistance from legislation that was introduced by Republican Assembly members?
Releasing the funds that the JFC has already approved should not be a partisan issue. So please Senator Marklein do something this holiday season to help our homeless people.
Bill Cary
Richland Center