December 6, 2019 at 3:16 p.m.

Thank you Chronicle for your help

Dear Editor:
I would like to share a recent experience I had that reinforces living in small town USA.
Every year on Thanksgiving eve, the Cobb, Montfort, Livingston and Highland churches have an ecumenical service where people bring non-perishable foods for the Iowa County Food Pantry for their offering. This year it was held at the Highland Presbyterian Church. I offered to take the items to Dodgeville to the I.C.F.P. We were to get together on Friday, November 29th to decorate our church for Christmas. The food items were on the altar so we had to move them to decorate. So we loaded them in my truck and I headed for Dodgeville. When I got to the I.C.F.P. the door was locked and the sign there said they wouldn't re-open until Dec. 2nd. So I went looking for someone with an idea. I went to the police department and they were also closed. I noticed a car running across the street at The Chronicle office.. So I went over there and they were open. I told my story to the girl at the desk and she went to get Mike Reilly. He said we could unload the food there at the office and he would see that it go to the right place. There was some money involved also (almost $300) and I needed a receipt for the churches involved. So he even gave me a receipt! If they hadn't bailed me out, I would have had to take the food back to Highland and unload it and then bring it back later. So I would like to thank Mike and The Chronicle for going out of their way to help me out of my small bind.
Ed Glanville
Highland, WI