August 30, 2019 at 11:25 a.m.

What does "appeal" mean?

Dear Editor:
So, when one speaks truth to power, how does it feel to be defeated? Defeat is deflating to put it mildly, but while I haven't made an official poll, most rate payers that I have spoken with are rather dumbstruck at the PSC's unanimous decision to go ahead with the Cardinal Hickory Creek Transmission Line. I myself felt like draping my protest sign in black. Many folks have been personally invested in the protest against the line and feel assaulted by the decision that will denigrate our special environment. They question both the fairness and democracy of the decision. They are aware of the many interveners and expert witnesses and lawyers involved with the lengthy decision process.
This decision was a legal process, however, and is subject to appeal. So, what does "appeal" mean? Presumably we can try again in a legal setting to get a decision that is more desirable to Driftless Defenders, DALC, The County Board, and others who have stood together in protest to this blatant attack upon our unique area.
"Appeal" is another process. If we are to be successful when speaking truth to power in the appeal, we'll need to learn more about the process and the politics. We must also stay alert to the changing world of power/utilities. Last week's letter to the editor on the electric grid offered the kind of information that helps us see the big picture of safe, sustainable power for the modern world.
My fellow protestors haven't changed their minds about Cardinal Hickory Creek-we just need more time and money and COURAGE --lots more courage-- to make an appeal. Watch your local newspaper to see how the appeal plays out. I am confident that we will win.
With confidence in the good/wise folks of the Driftless and the democratic process.

Anne Bachner