August 30, 2019 at 11:26 a.m.

We want something done soon!

Dear Editor:
The weekly emails that I receive from Sen. Marklein do get my attention. Sometimes I think,"Meh. What a waste of taxpayer money to send this"...and sometimes I think, "Dang, to think this man says he cares about us"...and to the last one I received I thought, "Well, Howard, you have definitely shown who you are in this one."
His email consisted of a long discourse on vaping and it's consequences. It didn't give any solutions, and the story held the same facts and figures I had read in the newspapers a few days prior. But what was on everyone's mind? And what did he fail to talk about? Guns.
He has come out in favor of guns, in favor of gun owners, and never in favor of the people killed by guns. He hasn't proposed or voted for any bill that would count as any sort of gun control. He has shown that the Republican party's stance on gun control and the NRA are more important to him than any life..more important to him than the life of little first graders, more important than the life of teenagers, of new mothers, old mothers, anyone! And this makes me angry. How dare he say he represents US, and then votes against OUR freedom to live, instead votes for some idiot with an assault rifle, saying they have a right to have one.
When are Sen. Marklein and his cohorts going to start to realize we want something done, and soon? I recently saw an article that said there should be an age limit, that anyone wanting a gun should have to sit through a lecture, see pictures of people killed by a gun, have to wait at least three days before they can get a gun, have to drive hundreds of miles at least twice to get that gun, have to pay for a permit, before getting the gun. Does that sound familiar? That's the minimum a woman must go through to get an abortion...which is considered by many to be killing a why should buying a gun meant to kill people be treated any differently?
People say they are speaking for the unborn, because they can't speak...I am speaking for the children who are alive, and can't tell the idiot with the gun to not kill them. What's the difference?
Please, Sen. Marklein, if you don't want to represent us, then resign your position.
Barbara Voyce
Lone Rock