August 30, 2019 at 11:25 a.m.

This Wisconsin governmental decision should make EVERY citizen angry!

Dear Editor:
Recently our Wisconsin Public Service Commission (PSC), a group of 3 unelected bureaucrats, made a decision that will be an albatross around our necks and those of our children and grandchildren for the next 40 years. Deciding against 98% public opposition and voluminous opposition briefs, a record number of intervenors educating the commission on newer, much less-expensive alternatives, and opposing briefs from other states affected by the decision; the three bureaucrats on the commission voted to approve the CHC line. Giggling and laughing they determined just who's property would be torn up and ruined by their unneeded line. They said with a laugh the decision was theirs and no one could question it! They had not bothered to read all the public comments, briefs, and research provided them by the public and intervenors! They were rarely seen at the week-long hearing to lay out the facts and evidence in the case. They missed the expert testimony of several acclaimed experts in the use of newer technologies that are very much less expensive and friendlier to local economies and the environment.
As a result of this bureaucratic PSC decision, the citizens, will have to pay for the unneeded and outdated line through rate increases, loss of parts of our great Driftless ecology, and loss of valuable privately-owned farmland and recreational areas as well as loss of the beauty of our region and loss of our property rights.
Law makers and our governor have abdicated their responsibilities to represent the people by giving so much authority to 3 people who were not elected by the people. This decision should make EVERY citizen angry whether they were for or against the CHC! Write your lawmakers and governor to ensure your voice will be heard in future decisions by making our elected officials responsible for decisions...not unelected bureaucrats! This is NOT representative government!
Linda Grice