August 30, 2019 at 11:25 a.m.

The message must be loud

Dear Editor:
I spent Saturday morning on the SaukPrairie bridge holding a sign showing children behind bars wrapped in blankets with the words, "Free the Children." Most of the responses of passing motorists were supportive: smiles, nods, waves, thumbs-up, honks. Others avoided eye contact or gave a thumbs-down. Then there was the response that put a knot in my stomach.
How can someone look at that sign and believe that flipping me the bird is the appropriate response? What have these people come to if, because of loyalty to a political leader, they can respond to children kept in cages in such a way? I don't get it, and to be honest, I am grateful that I can't. It also confirms that opposition to that leader is the only position I could possibly take.
I will be out there with my sign as often as I can until Congress realizes that we cannot allow the conditions at our southern border to continue. As was the case on Saturday, I will have company. But until the bridge is full from end-to-end on both sides I won't feel confident that the message is loud enough and strong enough to create the change we need.

Beverly Pestel
Richland Center