August 26, 2019 at 11:16 a.m.

GOP could win veto-proof majority

Dear Editor:
Speaker Robin Vos said he wants to grow the Republican majority in the legislature from 63 to 67 seats, which would allow the GOP to override vetoes by Governor Tony Evers. I think it is possible for the GOP to win at least four more seats in the Assembly.
Democrats control 36 out of 99 seats in the Assembly. In November 2018, in 29 of these 36 races, there were no Republican candidates running. Very few of these 29 races had candidates from the Libertarian Party and Constitution Party. Therefore, an overwhelming portion of the 36 Assembly seats won by the Democrats in 2018 were due to absence of Republican challengers. Only seven out of 63 seats won by Republicans did not have a Democrat opponent.
When a Democrat does not face a strong challenger in an election, it allows that candidate to spend time helping other Democrats running for seats in other districts. Also, each seat in which a Republican is not running is a missed opportunity for the GOP. Therefore, in 2020, Republicans must run in these 29 seats, challenging Democrats and improving the likelihood of GOP capturing at least 67 Assembly seats.

Tawsif Anam
Madison, WI