August 16, 2019 at 2:24 p.m.

Facts questioned, communication problems

Dear Editor:
I wrote an article about the crime statistics in America that was published last month. This article was questioned by one of the Chronicle's subscribers. She questioned the statistics put forth in an article I read from Judicial Watch. This article was not written by anyone at JW. and it was compiled from The US Sentencing Committee. This subscriber missed one very important sentence. That is that "The figures only include convicts who actually got sentenced". She said that it didn't include State and Local cases. She was wrong because the statistics are based on convicts that actually went to court and were found guilty, and would include cases from state and local court proceedings. So these figures are actual cases and the most crimes were committed by Hispanics.
She also questioned the government agency Judicial Watch as instigating frivolous lawsuits. Judicial Watch is the #1 Government Watchdog Group In The Country. They have investigated hundreds of cases of government abuse for the last 20-30 years. Their President Tom Fitton is very passionate on these cases and is determined to combat government corruption at every level. You probably call this frivolous because most of the cases are about Democrats and especially about Hillary Clinton. That is Hillary's excuse when someone brings a case about her, that these are all frivolous lawsuits. You can read more about Judicial Watch at
Last week I went to Walmart and there was an Hispanic woman in front of me. There were two kids with her (probably late teens) but they snuck out and let her do all the work. When she left, her cart was overflowing and she forgot one bag. The cashier tried to stop her, but she was gone. So when I got to the parking lot, they were still unloading her groceries into the car. I went up to the woman and told her she forgot a bag inside. The teen girl had to interpret for her. Here this woman didn't even know any English and these kids just left her. And then they made her go back in and get the other bag when she didn't know any English.
These two kids were sitting in this brand new, red sports car, listening to music. When the mother came out, the boy sat behind the wheel (he was at least 16 because he was driving) and didn't even get out to help her.
I had read an article from a journalist at the southern border, who said that these men coming across the border had rolls of $100 bills in their pockets. But they still lined up for all of the government handouts. Those kids were sitting in the car because these Hispanics are trying to make it look like they are helpless. Their mother, if she has a problem in the store, the cashier would have to get someone who speaks Spanish. So, by not staying in the store, the kids made it look like all Hispanics are helpless and that's why they need the government handouts. And those rolls of $100 bills were probably the down payment on that car. These Hispanics are being coached by the NGO's and people like George Soros. They are told to apply for all the benefits they can get their hands on and to make it look like they are truly helpless in this country. Do you think a Hispanic driving a new, red sports car is helpless?
It's time for immigration reform and it can't happen too soon. We are being hoodwinked by guys like George Soros who only want the US to collapse and become a member of the New World Order, One World Government. Most Americans want our country to be a sovereignty and retain our independence for our own lives. George Soros wants us to be holding to a world government ruled by Socialism. Look at the countries in Europe now and you will see how Immigration and Socialism is ruining these countries.
Build The Wall- Crime will Fall!
Mary Finley
Mineral Point