August 9, 2019 at 10:21 a.m.

Update on Julian Assange

Dear Editor:
I have written before on Julian Assange of Wikileaks. He was the owner of Wikileaks and had received a thumb drive on the emails confiscated from Hillary Clinton and the DNC computers from Seth Rich, who worked for the DNC and who was shot in the back on the streets of Washington, DC. Seth Rich was later murdered by DC cops at Walter Reed hospital.
Julian Assange later released the emails to the media. Hillary and the DNC blamed the stolen emails on the Russians because that fit into her narrative. The Democrats were trying to convict Thrump on Russian collusion and that is why it fit into their narrative to blame the Russians. Even though Trump was found to have no collusion with the Russians, the Democrats continue to use their phony story of blaming the Russians. I have read some editorials on Seth Rich and his case in coming to the forefront. Hillary keeps hoping that the story will die, but their are Americans who want Seth Rich's murder solved.
Ever since Julian Assange was arrested, he has been in solitary confinement in a London prison. Before that he was living at the Ecuadoran Embassy where he lived in a room with no windows, no medical treatment, no exercise and no fresh air. When he was put in prison on solitary confinement, he received no medical treatment there either. He was sentenced to 50 weeks in jail, so they are hoping he dies before they have to release him. Living in solitary confinement is a slow way of torturing a person to confess their crimes. After he is released from London, he will be extradited to the United States on other trumped up charges. The only thing Assange is guilty of is his right to the first amendment, of his right to express his views just like anyone else.
Hillary is a person that doesn't get double crossed by anyone. There have been 100's of murders in their background, in Arkansas when Bill was governor, in the White House when Bill was president and later when she was in the State Dept. Remember Benghazi! This is when Four Americans were killed at the consulate in Benghazi, where Hillary refused to come to their rescue. This was because of their illegally sending weapons to ISIS in Syria. I could go on and on.
Julian Assange is innocent just like Seth Rich. They are whistleblowers who are incensed with these politicians who get away with murder. Like Trump says, it's time to drain the swamp! Anyone who wishes to protest what is happening to Assange should contact their congressman and senators. If they refuse to do anything, they should be voted out of office. It's not too late to change things!
Mary Finley
Mineral Point