April 25, 2019 at 9:51 a.m.

Julian Assange and the DNC emails

Dear Editor:
During the primary election in the summer of 2016, Hillary Clinton and Debbie Waserman-Schultz were caught stealing primary votes from Bernie Sanders. Although they were never prosecuted, Debbie Waserman-Schultz was forced to step down from her position with the Democratic National Committee (DNC). This heinous crime was found when Seth Rich, a computer programmer for the DNC, had uncovered some incriminating emails and revealed his findings to his boss. Although he was told to just do his job, his sense of truth and fairness told him that something was very wrong with the DNC. Upon reading the emails of the DNC, he found that stealing votes from Bernie Sanders was only one facet of this illegal collusion.
Seth Rich was able to copy all of the emails onto a thumb drive, that he carried with him all the time. One night during the summer of 2016, two men came up behind him as he was walking home from a bar in Washington DC. He was shot in the back two times and left to die on the streets of Washington DC. and they were able to find the thumb drive with all of the emails. He underwent surgery at Walter Reed Hospital and he was expected to survive and to fully recover. During the time that Seth was in surgery, two women from the DNC showed up and when they learned that Seth would recover, they left. A short time later, six DC cops showed up at the hospital and kicked all the hospital personnel out of the ICU. About a half hour later, the cops left and Seth Rich was dead.
A few weeks later the DNC emails were being leaked to the media and Hillary then learned that Seth Rich had given a copy of the emails to Julian Assange at Wikileaks. Julian Assange kept releasing emails to the press, and that is when Hillary decided to get him kicked out of the Equadorian Embassy in London, where he had been residing since 2012. He had been indicted on trumped up charges for a alleged rape in Sweden and was fighting extradition for the alleged rape.
It was around this time that Hillary Clinton and Debbie Waserman-Schultz came up with the idea of blaming it on Russia. They reported that Russia had infiltrated the DNC and that they had stolen their emails, and Russia had to be colluding with Julian Assange. Hillary and Debbie were deathly afraid that Seth Rich's name might come up in reference to the stolen emails, so they concocted the story about Russia in the hopes that Robert Mueller could find evidence that Trump was colluding with Russia and Julian Assange. They knew that if Seth Rich's name came up with the stolen emails, they would then find out about his murder and the cover-up would be divulged.
Now that Julian Assange has been taken into custody, Hillary thought her troubles were over. This way, the second thumb drive of her emails that Seth Rich had given Julian Assange, was recovered by the police. But Hillary is sticking to her story that Russia was the one who stole her emails. Robert Mueller has released his report and has divulged that there was no evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia. They are hoping that this last stunt of arresting Julian Assange will trigger another investigation into the Trump and Russia collusion. The Democrats will stop at nothing to get Trump kicked out of the White House and usher in Hillary Clinton as our legitimate president.
I write this in the hope that there will be some justice for Seth Rich. He was only 20 something years old and had his whole life taken away by these politicians who think they can do what they want and get away with it. Hopefully, these emails will surface some place else, so that justice will come to a whistleblower just fighting the injustice of politicians in Washington DC.
Mary Finley
Mineral Point