April 2, 2019 at 9:51 a.m.

Sound familiar?

Dear Editor:
Bernie Sanders keeps insisting that Finland's Universal Basic Income is one of his promises to the American people during his campaign and raises it up to a monumental improvement to Finland's economy. First you need to know that UBI is a socialist mainstay. It seems the Democrats can't talk about anything except Socialism. Then they lie to you and say they're for Democratic Socialism, which is not the bad Socialism. But Socialism is Socialism no matter what term you put in front of it.
Finland's Universal Basic Income is giving people without jobs $650.00 a month to 2,000 people. These people do not have to look for work. They can just take the money and be couch potatoes, and that is exactly what they do. They are guaranteed $650.00 a month for two years and they just use it like paid vacation. So this highly paid vacation produces sloth and drains the national economy in the meantime.
Just last week, Finland's economy collapsed under it's Socialist weight. The much touted Universal Basic Income experiment ruined the whole economy. What will Bernie Sanders' say about his bright idea now? The Socialist countries of Europe who have poured billions of dollars into this welfare hole are now on the same trajectory.
Finland's government rulers, instead of fixing the problem, all resigned because they didn't want to admit that they made a mistake. So now, the new ruling class wants to bring in thousands more immigrants to make up the deficit. These countries don't have enough jobs now to put these people to work, and now they're saying the solution is to bring in more immigrants. More immigrants means bringing in more Muslims, Muslims will take over and win elections, the Muslims will take over the country and that will mean National Suicide!
Does that sound familiar? Isn't this what the Democrats are doing here in America?
The Democrats want Free Health Care! Free College Tuition! No farting cows! No airplanes, no cars, no trains! Environmental controls in all buildings! Universal Basic Income! Which amounts to $93 trillion on top of our $22 trillion we now owe to the Federal Reserve! How are we to pay off $115 trillion dollars? They estimate that that will cost every American $65,000.
The only solution to paying off only $22 trillion is to put Americans back to work! We have to realize that jobs are the only way that we can save our country. Paying out trillions in welfare only makes us poorer. If we are to survive, we need less immigrants and more money put into jobs for all Americans!
Mary Finley
Mineral Point