April 2, 2019 at 9:50 a.m.

Don't be fooled by the ATC

Dear Editor:
ATC has falsely emphasized to consumers that the purpose of their Six Billion dollars of electrical transmission lines is to bring low cost renewable wind and solar power to Wisconsin. In truth, ATC's transmission lines transfer only about 10% renewable energy. Ninety percent of ATC electricity is fueled by carbon and nuclear fuels. The extraordinary cost of these lines has increased costs for Wisconsin consumers-not lowered them as ATC has claimed without audit.
ATC's transmission planning is 10 years old and it never contemplated substantial increases in energy efficiency or a future of non carbon generation based in Wisconsin. In fact, more than 1000 mega watts of local Wisconsin wind and solar energy projects are now before the PSC (see renewsicsonsin.org/project-progress.) These renewable projects will deliver 100% low cost renewable power with zero carbon emissions and no long distance transmission lines. ATC's record of only 10% renewable energy for the proposed 1300 megawatt CHC project will likely transfer only about 130 megawatts of renewable energy.
Massive spending on ATC's lines has already ruined miles of pristine Wisconsin landscape including Aldo Leopold's beloved Sand County. The CHC transmission now threatens Wisconsin's extraordinary Driftless Region. Once approved ATC's transmission routes are even likely locations for second parallel transmission lines as has happened in the Town of Holland, Wisconsin.
A highly qualified intervener team is now arguing against ATC's request for approval of its carbon based CHC transmission line. Do not be fooled by ATC's minimal commitment to renewable energy. Wisconsin's true need is for 100% renewable energy produced and used in Wisconsin.
John Koffel,
Ridgeway, WI