September 24, 2018 at 8:31 a.m.

Novak Advocates for the Safety of our Rural Communities

Dear Editor;
My primary role as District Attorney is to protect the community of Lafayette County. It's a difficult task- but with the representation we have from 51st District Assemblyman Todd Novak, it's safe to say our voices are heard and our concerns are taken seriously. Todd is a refreshing politician who I've had the privilege to work with over the past two years. He is always ready to listen when our area is in need, and puts priorities before politics and gets the job done. As a ranking member of the Criminal Justice Committee, Todd has a vast understanding and is always there when I have a concern or suggestion.
Take for instance Todd's advocacy on securing state funding for Lafayette County to participate in the State Line Area Narcotics Team. In the 2015-17 session, Todd worked hard to guarantee Lafayette County would have the tools we need to fight ever growing rural crime and the drug abuse epidemic. Todd made it a priority of his and went to bat for our area, ultimately passing a law that gave Lafayette County $75,000 to join the statewide effort.
Todd also has been an advocate and leader on more state funding for drug courts, such as those that have recently started in Iowa and Green County. Drug courts, a treatment program with a proven track-record, increase public safety while reducing recidivism. Rural communities like ours are in dire need of more state funding to operate and implement these treatment programs. Thanks to voices like Todd's, this year's state budget includes more opportunities to work with the state in order to help Lafayette County develop a drug treatment court of our own.
I always know Todd is just a phone call away when our community is in need. He's made it a priority to put the safety of our people at the frontlines of his agenda, and he has proven to us back at home that we truly do come first. He is a champion on all rural issues, but most importantly to my profession, combating rural crime and drug abuse.
Todd understands the needs and challenges of our community, and works hard in the statehouse to produce results back home. Lafayette County, and all of the 51st Assembly District, is in a better place thanks to politicians like Todd, and I look forward to continuing to support and work with him in the coming future.

Jenna Gill