September 24, 2018 at 8:31 a.m.

Marklein is my choice

Dear Editor;
There is an old axiom that states " If it isn't broke don't fix it ". This is particularly true in the decision we all will make at the polls this fall. I am giving my support and voting to re-elect Howard Marklien, a man who has earned my respect for his tireless efforts to make our corner of the state of Wisconsin a great place to live and for keeping a close eye on the state government's checkbook. I applaud his watchfulness in exposing the huge cash surplus of the UW system, his support of freezing tuition at our state universities, and for holding the DNR accountable for overspending on property acquisitions, etc. By so doing, these actions have not made Howard many friends in certain circles of government and have resulted in a almost fanatical effort to remove him from office, even by out of state individuals and groups. The combination of humility, compassion, a strong work ethic and being a Certified Public Accountant makes Howard uniquely suited for the job of Wisconsin State Senator.
Most sincerely
Joe Olthafer