September 24, 2018 at 8:27 a.m.

Marion will help the rural economy

Dear Editor;
Regarding Kriss Marion's bid for 17th State Senate district: Southwest Wisconsin is our home, we've raised our children here and their friends are like our own. It is for our children's future as well as our own that we will vote for a healthful, well educated, prosperous Wisconsin. Kriss Marion, who's been farming near Blanchardville for nearly 20 years, is passionate about the health of the land, water, and the people of Wisconsin. She supports robust agricultural communities, green energies, conservation practices and improved water-quality management.
As a Lafayette County Board Supervisor she introduced a program to subsidize well-water tests. These showed nitrates in 42% of the wells as being too high to drink. Marklein voted to roll back environmental protections at every opportunity for 8 years. He voted for Senate bill 76, for example, allowing lifetime permits for high capacity wells (over 100,000 gallons per day) while blocking oversight from the DNR. Why? Protecting our water is hardly trivial.
Since 2011 the Republican controlled legislature, ironically, has passed 128 measures that eliminate or infringe on local control. Kriss is familiar with the crippling effect of these measures and will work to return control to municipalities. She supports our public schools. She has the experience to promote a vibrant rural economy that will incentivize and enable agricultural diversity, improve broadband access, infrastructure, integrate local food systems and remove regulatory barriers.
On health-care, she will work to reverse the decision to turn away over $1 billion in federal support to expand Badger care. That choice, which Marklein voted for, kicked over 66,000 Wisconsinites out in the cold, many of whom now have no insurance. I want my taxes to help my neighbors where it is needed, not to provide welfare for mega-corporations who promise unlikely results.
Kriss Marion sees the big picture and that is exciting. We will be proud to vote for her. Please vote.
Kathleen Nutter
Mineral Point