September 24, 2018 at 8:22 a.m.

Dodgers strike quick and early for a SWC win

After four tries at a win and com- ing up empty the Dodgeville foot- ball team got it right...and then some.
The Dodgers picked up their first win of the season in the SWC opener and demolished Richland Center 59-17. They sent a signal right away the Dodgers came to Hornet Town ready to play as jun- ior RJ Veinberg weaved his way through would be tacklers and raced 75 yards on the opening kick off to score and a quick 7-0 lead after he kicked the extra point.
That start was the beginning of a big offensive night for the Dodgers "We did get off to a good start and it definitely gave us some ener- gy to start the game," Dodgeville coach Josh Busch said. "Anytime you get a kick return it gives the team a boost and the boys were able to use that boost the rest of the
After the Hornets answered to
make it a 7-7 game their speedster Keon Miller matched Veinberg's yardage and pushed the score to 14-7.
Sophomore Anthony Vivian tied things up with a five yard blast with 5:28 left in the first.
After a three and out for the Hornets the Dodgers took off on a roll that continued until the end. Joey Recob reeled off 65 yards on a run to the five and quarterback Michael Mikrut finished it for a 21- 14 lead with 2:24 left.
Mikrut completed two of five passes for the game and both went for touchdowns. After Recob start- ed the third quarter with a 35 yard scoring run Mikrut put up two more six pointers with passes to Lucas Klosterman and Veinberg. The last Dodgeville score came on a pick six by JJ Thompson to end the half.
Vivian and Veinberg added touchdowns the third quarter to put the finishing touches on the win.
It was a break out performance by Veinberg who has dedicated him- self to become a player with condi- tioning and weight room time.
"It was nice to see RJ have the game that he did," said Busch. He has been one of the more consistent workers we have. It started over the winter and summer with getting into the weight room and has con-
tinued with knowing scouting reports and competing in practice everyday. It shows the other kids that those things can pay off. We have a few others that have done the same and a few others are start- ing to understand that those things need to be done to be successful. "
Mikrut came back to call the sig- nals after some down time with a knee injury and his return seemed to spark the Dodgers.
"It was nice to have Michael back," Busch said. "He is another one that has put a lot of time into the off season so to see him lose time to injury was tough. I think having him in there at quarterback gave the kids confidence and he was able to make a few plays for us. I was just happy for him to get back in there."
Busch said there was a long list of achievements turned in by the play- ers to get the convincing win
"We had some kids that really did well," he said. "Joey Recob had a nice night running the ball. He did not have many touches but ran hard and took advantage of some good blocking in front of him. Anthony Vivian ran the ball well too. He has really been making nice progress game to game and was able to get in the end zone. Michael Mikrut made a couple of nice throws that got us into the end zone. I think that our offensive line was a consistent as I have seen it as well, Those kids have been working hard in practice to come together and I thought that we took a step closer to that Friday night. Defensively Lucas Klosterman had a great night at defeinisve end with four solo tackles and three were sacks, J.J. Thompson was able to take an interception back for a score as well."
The Dodger dominance allowed Busch to get the reserve team action too.
"Anytime that we can get the younger kids reps in games it is a good thing," Busch said. "It might not have been a ton of plays, but it will help them, and us, down the road and when they go play in var- sity reserve games."
A special moment took place in the game when senior Zack Myers got some time on the field in his first year out for football.
"We were also able to Zack Myers into the game at the end and watching his excitement when he got in there might have been the best part of the night," Busch said. "He comes to practice every day and that's what being part of team
is all about. He supports his team- mates everyday and to see him get out there was great."
The Dodgers have their Homecoming this weekend and will take on Prairie du Chien who many feel is the top team in the SWC.
"PDC will be a tough test for us but we are excited for it," Busch said. "They have a pretty dynamic offense that we will have to be dis- ciplined in defending, and a defense that is physical up front. I believe that we can play with them, and I think the boys are starting to believe too. We are excited to go compete."