September 11, 2018 at 10:03 a.m.

Our government isn't working for "us"

Dear Editor;
Like millions of Americans, I'm deeply concerned about the recent attacks against Medicare and Medicaid, and attempts to leave people labeled with pre-existing conditions uninsured.
In the last few years, I've watched the Trump Administration and the Republican-controlled Congress try desperately to obliterate much of the progress our country made in the name of affordable, quality health care.
The sad reality behind these efforts is that our government isn't working for us. It's working for powerful special interests who seek to profit from cuts to Medicaid and Medicare, and from leaving those with pre-existing conditions uninsured.
But here in Wisconsin, I'm proud that my senator, Tammy Baldwin, is working for me. She's fought tooth and nail against the recent attempts to attack access to affordable health care. And she's fighting now against the junk health care plans the Trump Administration is trying to pass along to those with pre-existing conditions.
That's what I'll be thinking about when I head to the polls this November.
Ken Valyo, D.O.