September 4, 2018 at 2:29 p.m.

Some school programs should be gone

Dear Editor;
Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, in walks Common Core. This initiative by Obama and Hillary Clinton literally puts the children into an Orwellian Type of Education that is meant to dumb down our kids even further. Common Core was pushed through the legislature by Paul Ryan during Obama's final days in the White House. He wanted Hillary to be able to push through this plan as soon as she was elected President. But he now has a new minion to enable him to get Common Core enacted, that minion is Betsy DeVos, the new Secretary of Education under Donald Trump. Betsy DeVos has been described as a four-star general in a deceptive behind-the-scenes war on public education. In essence, Betsy DeVos wants all children to be baptized in Common Core for a new world order globalism.
In Common Core, Title 1 money, that's allotted to children with disabilities, follows the child and is deposited in an Educational Savings Account for every child in any public, charter, private, religious or homeschool. Obama issued Executive Order 12866 to change the privacy law FERPA, in which the privacy of the child is being violated. This EO 12866 illegally allowed outside vendors to access your child's personal information. Obama also dropped and manipulated poverty guide lines so that ALL children could be labeled at-risk for Title 1. This means that every child can be labeled mentally ill so that the schools can receive added money for each child that they label at-risk. The teachers are driven to label children at-risk for Title 1 to guarantee their jobs will not be taken away. Teachers will not be hired at the local level anymore but by the State and most will be Psychologists and Psychiatrists.
The money for Common Core follows the individual child so that the parents can choose what kind of school to send their child. Schools are preparing to rake in the "free" money under this scheme to identify children as disabled in order to bill Medicaid. The more children identified, the more money the schools can clamor for. Teachers will be convinced to label more and more children as disabled to retain jobs. Eventually, the state predicts that all schools will end up as Charter Schools, where there will no longer be any school boards to hamper their ideas and prevent this Orwellian scheme to be implemented.
This is just another reason why we have to get rid of all these socialistic programs ( No Child Left Behind, OBE and Common Core). These programs are all run together, and we have to stop this insanity before it gets too engrained in our schools. Watch these videos on the Internet (Charlotte Izerbyt OBE) and (Anita Hoge OBE) for much more information on these programs. We have to act NOW!
Mary Finley,
Mineral Point