September 4, 2018 at 2:30 p.m.

Healthcare in Wisconsin is on the ballot this fall

Dear Editor;
It's hard to acknowledge in a public forum like this, but it needs to be said. My husband and I are "seniors", and we have grave concerns about what the GOP is doing to our healthcare.
I have battled cancer and my husband and our adult son are battling serious, costly medical conditions. We depend on decent health care and affordable insurance for survival... our survival financially, emotionally and physically depends on it.
From Scott Walker on down to our local incumbent state legislators, Howard Marklein and Todd Novak, the Wisconsin GOP machine has thwarted all efforts to make healthcare affordable and available for Seniors like me and for all poor and middle class people in Wisconsin, particularly those like our son who has a pre-existing condition.
Wisconsin is the only state in the upper Midwest that has refused the opportunity to expand Medicaid and Badger Care. Wisconsin also has some of the highest medical and prescription drug costs anywhere.
Most outrageously, our GOP-controlled State government is suing the federal government to do what Congress couldn't-- completely kill the Affordable Care Act. Unless stopped by us electing new officials this fall, the Wisconsin GOP's lawsuit may succeed by default because Trump has ordered the Justice Department not to oppose the suit. The Wisconsin GOP's lawsuit is seeking to immediately and completely shut down the insurance protections offered by the Affordable Care Act. The GOP seeks to end our coverage without having any replacement. The GOP wants to revert to the old days of leaving it to the whim of private insurance companies (who donate to the GOP). Those companies historically have offered affordable coverage to only the young and healthy. This will leave people like our son who have pre-existing conditions uninsured. It also will price seniors like my husband and I out of any affordable supplemental plans.
Fortunately, there is hope. The Democrats on the Wisconsin ticket this fall are committed to providing Wisconsin residents with quality, affordable health care and insurance.
Nowhere is that clearer than in our local races for the State legislature. Kriss Marion for Senate and Jeff Wright for Assembly have been clear in their commitment. If you see their GOP opponents, ask them why they are suing to kill the Affordable Care Act without having any replacement.
Janet Pedder