October 16, 2018 at 9:16 a.m.

We need more politicians like Novak

Dear Editor;
In today's world, it's not often I find myself weighing in on party politics. Politicians on both sides of the aisle are guilty of voting only with their party and often keep a narrow view on working together to get things done. But recently, my grandson TJ had the opportunity to intern in Representative Todd Novak's capitol office. His experience was eye-opening to say the least, leaving a lasting impression on him and his view on politics. As a grandmother, I can't thank Todd enough for the opportunity he gave my grandson and my husband and I will be happy to support him in this upcoming election.
TJ witnessed Todd champion policies supporting school safety for our kids, and protecting those with pre-existing conditions from losing their health insurance. He worked with members both Republican and Democrat in order to get the right things done for the constituents of the 51st Assembly District, and all of Wisconsin. TJ saw what it took in order to succeed, which often meant setting aside one's differences, listening to each other, and bouncing ideas back and forth in order to land on something that works for everyone. Todd showed him what it truly meant to be bipartisan and gave him, and myself, a refreshing view on politics.
Todd also showed TJ what it meant to represent the district and be a voice for us back at home. TJ saw Todd take ideas that came directly from his constituents and turn them into bills. He saw the process from start to finish, watching Todd shepherd an idea through the Legislature and ultimately bring it to the Governor's desk for his signature. It was such a unique experience for my grandson, and I'm so happy that he had a state representative like Todd Novak to show him the way.
We need more politicians like Todd Novak. He's an independent voice for our southwest community and always puts the people before his politics. He has a proven track record of standing up to party leadership when he knows something isn't right for the district. As someone who considers themselves and independent voter, I am happy to support Todd Novak in the upcoming election and thank him for all that he's done for my grandson and our communities!
Pluma Cool