October 16, 2018 at 9:21 a.m.

They're two fine men

Dear Editor;
The 17th senatorial district and the 49th assembly district are well represented by two fine men. Howard Marklein and Travis Tranel work hard to represent the needs of their constituencies and through the hard work have helped the increase in broadband service, more funding for schools and the UWP, and helped bring a job creating mega corporation which will impact all of Wisconsin. While people whine about bad roads(talking point for the left), there HAS been improvement of roads in the area. (In an aside, everyone wants summer surfaces on winter roads and roadsides that equal a golf course, all at a cost to someone's budget). Mr. Tranel and Mr. Marklein are visible and available to the citizens of their districts, not just during campaign season ie fairs, pancake breakfasts, festivals, grand openings, and Eagle Scout ceremonies, etc. They are OF the people, FOR the people and REPRESENT the people.
Vote for Travis Tranel and Howard Marklein. In closing, Howard Marklein and Travis Tranel don't make promises that just sound good, but by their efforts do good.
Thank you
Marcella Danti