October 16, 2018 at 9:16 a.m.

Marklein is farm driven

Dear Editor;
Recently a friend asked me why I support Howard Marklein for State Senate. This was my answer:
Howard values life for everyone. It has always been my thinking that a representative who will value the least will also value my concerns.
Howard is a Certified Public Accountant with years of experience. Before Howard went to Madison our State was a fiscal mess. I thought an expert in balancing the books was exactly what the doctor ordered. Today, state finances are in a responsible condition, and everyone is benefiting from the jobs and lower taxes resulting. I know that Howard did more than his share in making this happen.
Howard's history is rooted in farming. Our district is farm driven. From the merchant's counter to the teacher in the classroom, your dollar is grown on the farm. Do you want a growing future? Elect someone who values growing farming - Howard Marklein.
This answer made good sense to my friend, and I hope it makes good sense to you. Let's all get out and vote for Howard Marklein on November 6.
Doug Weaver
Darlington, WI