October 16, 2018 at 9:20 a.m.

Marklein follows through

Dear Editor;
As the Village President of Plain, WI, I am endorsing Senator Howard Marklein for re-election to the State Senate and I will be voting for Howard in November.
Every time I have called Howard and his team for help, they have followed-up and followed-through. Howard Marklein's legislative philosophy is to serve us - the people who he represents - no matter our politics or preferences. He has a proven record of delivering for us and we need him to return to the legislature to keep up the good work.
I have personally called Howard Marklein for help with signage in the Village of Plain, questions about economic development opportunities and the phosphorus mandate. He stepped up and made things happen for us quickly and efficiently.
Howard spends time in all of our communities - big and small. He reaches out and listens to our ideas and concerns. I am amazed by his work ethic and integrity. He is a strong advocate for all of us.
This is why I will be voting for Howard Marklein in November and officially endorse his candidacy for re-election.
Ray Ring, President
Village of Plain