October 5, 2018 at 10:50 a.m.

We need people who stand up for us

Dear Editor;
Will we, the people, continue to sell our democracy to the super-rich?
Corporations are pouring unsurpassed amounts of money into our local, state, and federal elections to purchase influence that benefits their bottom line, not us, "The People". As the multi-national corporations merge and are bought out and merge again, they are bigger than ever before, leaving fewer people at the top of the economic food chain. The super-rich owners and work-a-day rich executives of global corporations don't live here, in Wisconsin, in our communities. Do we want to sell our democracy to absentee power brokers?
Come November, we have the opportunity to elect people who stand up for our families and communities, not the special interests of corporations. We can vote for people who support superior (and safe) public schools, clean air and water, affordable medical care, sound Social Security, high-speed internet access for our rural businesses and schools, decent roads and bridges and support for local businesses.
Kriss Marion (Wisconsin Senate District 17) and Jeff Wright (Wisconsin Assembly District 51) are the right people to stand up for us.
Scott Stieber