October 5, 2018 at 10:51 a.m.

Let Wisconsin shine

Dear Editor;
I remember my days as the Dodgeville Chronicle Sports Coordinator when we had some high spirited times discussing politics. It was not always fun, but Dodgeville and Iowa County folks sure knew what they believed and who to vote for.
The past several years has seen a dual partisanship that is dividing our families and our country. Both the Republicans and the Democrats instead of working together seem to be in permanent opposition to each other. This is true at the State and National levels.
The above reasons are why I want to introduce to you someone very refreshing on the political scene. Most of you won't even know she is running for Governor. In fact in this era of the woman, Dr. Margaret Turnbull, a "star" (taken both ways, as a star like Christian Yelich or as a star in space) astrophysicist, offers a new, bright, centrist position to change the Wisconsin political field.
Who is she? She is one of the brightest astrophysicists on the planet, regarded by peers in her field as a genius. She lives in Antigo, works for NASA. She is a hunter, and avid fisher woman, gathers honey and sugars off for maple syrup. In other words a true Wisconsin woman with brains and know how.
She is very much pro-farmer, pro-education, pro-conservation; and yet she realizes our State needs business, and believes in watching the budget with some conservative tones.
Turnbull wants to work with both Republicans, Democrats, and Independents to bring under control the division and pettiness in Wisconsin politics and bring sanity back to the chambers of government.
She also does not want to demean or put down the other candidates, but will also tell you where she agrees and differs with their views. A clean campaign is her hope.
The theme of her campaign is "Let Wisconsin Shine." I say give Maggie Turnbull a chance to shine as our Governor and you will enjoy the fresh air of cooperation in Wisconsin again.
Pastor Peter Olson,
Monona, WI
formerly of Dodgeville