October 5, 2018 at 10:52 a.m.

Happy with Iowa County Board

Dear Editor;
I came away from the Sept. 18th county board meeting with such gratitude for our supervisors!  It was a meeting filled with so many important and varied issues.  So much is happening in our county, and board members and those in leadership have so much to consider and keep track of, making difficult decisions for all of us living in Iowa County.  I appreciated the discussions, the various motions and subsidiary motions, and ultimately how often they came to consensus on issues.  John Meyers does a great service by serving as the chairman, a very challenging job and not one that many people would want!  I appreciated so much, the voices that spoke up about being cautious about spending tax-payers' money.  They all impressed me with their knowledge, patience with one another, their civility, and their concern.  I truly appreciate them and their willingness to serve all of us!
Being on the County Board takes a great deal of time and commitment, and the members' families sacrifice as well.
Thank you!
Nancy Tews, Dodgeville