November 9, 2018 at 2:15 p.m.

We need to produce rules

Dear Editor;
The solar factory south of Cobb and the high-power line from Dubuque to north of Madison are two of the largest construction projects in the history of Southwest Wisconsin. They are moving swiftly forward without careful inspection or consideration by our local and state governments.
In the case of the solar farm, there are no specific rules, state or local, yet established to govern all the legitimate concerns that surround these projects.
At the minimum, our local governments need to get in front of the Public Service Commission to act as 'Interveners' to express the concerns of the people in Iowa County that will be affected by these projects.
Thus far, the laggard response by our County Board is equivalent to complete acquiescence to these projects.
The time table for action, frankly, is rapidly disappearing or closed already.
And we, of Iowa County, have been dropped off the back of the wagon like so many turnips going to market.
Alan Jewell