February 9, 2018 at 11:46 a.m.

Pointer girls bury Wildcats

Mineral Point got 42 of their 70 points from players off the bench Thursday night in a 70-32 rout of Southwestern in SWAL play.
From off the bench, senior Peyton Ross led all scorers with 12 points while junior Kyla Lindsey hit three of their six three pointers in finishing with 11.
Starter Morgan James also finished with 11 as 11 of 13 players scored.
The Pointers used pressure the first half to ease to a 33-21 lead.
Pointer coach Mitch Wainwright said, "We used full-court pressure for the first half to try and get ourselves playing up-tempo. Their size in the post did worry me and my hope was to keep it from becoming a half-court game. Abby Budden, the center, caused us some problems in our first game and I did not want to battle them in a slow tempo situation."
"We got great balance in scoring with 11 out of 13 girls getting into the scoring column and three girls with double digits. It was very nice to have so many points coming off the bench (42) and defense creating so many easy scoring opportunities," he added.
"Peyton Ross recorded her first double-double in varsity action leading up in scoring with 12 points and getting 10 steals. Kyla Lindsey and Kaitlyn Kinch also help stretch the defense with excellent 3 point shooting combining for 5 of our 6 3-pointers. We also had 20 assists on 30 made field goals. It was a great team effort and team win," he concluded.
The Pointers held Budden, a sophomore, to just five points. Junior Haley Hinman led their scoring with nine points while fellow junior Maddy Myers had seven.
Southwestern 21 11-32
Mineral Point  33 37-70
SOUTHWESTERN 32 (fg, ft, tp) Hinman 3-0-9, Mackenzie Myers 2-0-6, Maddy Myers 3-0-7, Kaiser 1-1/4-3, Budden 2-1/2-5, Wright 1-0-2. Totals 12-2/6-32. F-11. 3-pointers: Hinman 3, Mackenzie Myers 2, Maddy Myers 1.
MINERAL POINT 70 Reichling 3-1/2-7, Schmitz 1-0-2, Aschliman 2-0-5, M. James 5-1/2-11, M. Johnson 1-1/2-3, N. Johnson 4-1/1-9, Lindsey 4-0-11, Springer 0-0-0, Murphy 1-0-2, Ross 6-0-12, L. James 1-0/1-2, Kinch 2-0-6, Schubert 0-0-0. Totals 30-4/8-70. F-15. 3-pointers: Lindsey 3, Kinch 2, Aschliman 1.