December 24, 2018 at 11:34 a.m.

There's a way to help Wisconsin

Dear Editor:
This letter hopes to dispel the notion that high-voltage transmission lines are the price we have to pay if we want reliable and renewable energy. It was heartening to read recent articles in the Wisconsin State Journal and the Dubuque Telegraph Herald highlighting alternatives to transmission expansion.
Mounting opposition over the last two years to the proposed Cardinal-Hickory Creek high-voltage transmission line has been an eye opener for many. Across the country, states like New York, Minnesota, and California are incorporating Non-Transmission Alternatives (NTAs) into their state energy plans. These states understand that lowering carbon-emissions and maintaining reliable power are possible by combining energy efficiency measures with load management (evening out the use of electricity), local renewable energy generation, and energy storage.
Wisconsin, conversely, has been allowing the interstate transmission organization, Midwest Independent System Operator (MISO), de facto, to do our energy planning for us. Most Wisconsin ratepayers are unaware that their dollars fund high-voltage transmission projects in 15+ states, not just in Wisconsin.
There is a better way. Wisconsin can lower carbon emissions and support grid infrastructure by funding NTAs here in our state!
For more information, visit:,, and
Monica Sella
Spring Green