December 24, 2018 at 11:44 a.m.

Pointer girls handle Southwestern

Mineral Point's girls basketball team found a way to negate the presence of 6' 1" Southwestern junior Abby Budden - keep her on the bench with foul trouble.
Budden had put in three buckets from inside the paint in the first third of the first half when she picked up her second foul. That kept her on the bench for almost the rest of the half and pushed the Pointer's four point lead up to 12 at the intermission (33-21).
With the Wildcats' tallest player remaining on the court at 5'8" that left an opening for Pointer 6'0" Nicole Johnson to put in 15 of her 18 points before intermission.
The Pointers outscored Southwestern 26-21 in the second half thanks largely to McKenna Reichling scoring 11 of her game high 19 points.
"McKenna had a complete game tonight," said Pointer coach Matt Austin.
He was not only referring toher scoring, but her assists and the fact she led in rebounds at nine and in steals with four.
"We had nice pressure," the coach added. "We wanted to speed up their game. We forced them into some bad decisions. We also kept the pressure up outside and their 3-point shooters didn't get many open looks."
He also said his team "took care of the ball very well with only 11 turnovers."
Austin was also happy with the win because the Wildcats had stayed with Darlington to the end the game before losing.
The Pointers travel to Fennimore Thursday.
For Southwestern, Budden finished with 11 points and Haley Wright hit 10.
Southwestern 21 21-42
Mineral Point 33 26-59
SOUTHWESTERN 42 (fg, ft, tp) Hinman 0-2/5-2, Mc. Myers 2-0-5, Mad. Myers 3-1/2-8, Freiburger 2-0-4, Wright 2-6/10-10, Budden 5-1/5-11, Kaiser 1-0-2. Totals 15-10/24-42. F-23. 3-pointers: Mc. Myers 1, Mad. Myers 1.
MINERAL POINT 59: Johnson 6-6/7-18, K. Lindsey 3-0-6, M. Lindsey 2-1/2-7, Mara Aschliman 2-1/2-5, Macy Aschliman 0-0-0, James 1-0/1-2, Lawinger 0-0-0, Springer 0-0-0, Reichling 7-5/10-19, Kinch 0-0-0, Schmitz 1-0/1-2, Schubert 0-0-0. Totals 22-13/25-59. F-20. 3-pointers: M. Lindsey 2.