December 24, 2018 at 11:34 a.m.

Lend your voice for Iowa County

Dear Editor:
I live in Mineral Point and am a mother and grandmother, as well as a retired Family Medicine physician who practiced in this area for 30 years. I have major interest and concerns about the health of my family, my patients and our community. And I have intense concerns about the health of our environment which contributes critical components to our health. The proposed ATC Transmission lines from Dubuque to Middleton will damage our unique environment and will be a threat to the health of each and all of us. AND WE DON'T NEED THE POWER HERE!
-Being in the beauty of the land that Mother Nature created is a key component of the physical, psychological and spiritual health of all of us individually and as families and communities. Many people travel great distances to spend time in landscapes that feed their health and wellbeing.
-The Driftless area in SW Wisconsin is a nationally unique environment which is visited by many for its beauty, healing and renewing properties. Any destruction of these characteristics will reduce its special ability to improve health and generate well-being in many ways.
-In addition to these concerns and due to them, the lines will negatively impact the economy. Property values will decrease significantly. There will be a decrease in tourism. And there will be a potential decrease in new young members to our communities due to their concerns about the lines.
Again WE DO NOT NEED THE POWER here!!!!-------And OUR RATES WILL GO we are asked to sacrifice much to give profit to the few; just to build and maintain the lines the investors are guaranteed a 10% return.
The ATC Lines proposed for SW Wisconsin will negatively impact our health, our environment, our personal rates and our communities. I OPPOSE them!!!!!! I hope you lend your voice in opposition as well. [Go to for instructions]
Most Sincerely,
Cathryn Kaiser MD
Mineral Point