August 24, 2018 at 9:52 a.m.

Walker - A "Blue Wave" warning

Dear Editor;
So many voted for Scott Walker in the past, and we know that he made many changes in Wisconsin in his eight years as Governor. Yet our roads are still terrible, our schools are still underfunded and struggling, and our health care costs are skyrocketing. Why does so much of his financial support come from outside Wisconsin? In his warning of a "#BlueWave" in Wisconsin, he is sounding the alarm to his millionaire and billionaire backers that he needs their money. It seems that he has favored big donors, his own personal ambition, and even political grudges more than helping ordinary Wisconsinites. I have gotten very tired of Scott Walker and the divisiveness he has created in politics.
Now, since the national news says the current race is a "toss-up", Walker and his GOP friends have launched a massive TV ad campaign attacking Tony Evers. Tony Evers? Is he a threat? An educator his entire adult life, he was elected three times as State Superintendent of schools in bipartisan voting, and if elected as Governor, I believe he will effectively work to help Wisconsin schools. He will deal with the state's troubled youth corrections facility, that Walker walked away from, and with much needed adult prison reform too. He will accept federal dollars to expand Medicaid in Wisconsin.
The state debt is now nearly twice as much as it was when Walker was first elected in 2010, which means that he has been kicking the can down the road, being not fiscally responsible. More than 20 cents out of every dollar that is spent on roads goes toward paying off that state debt now. Roads? That's something that Tony Evers plans to work to repair. Bridges too. More taxes on gas may be needed and eliminating some state tax credits will help much. Hey! we have to bite the bullet now it seems to me. The future of Wisconsin is in our hands. Time for a change. Enough of the divisiveness. Tony Evers for Governor. Who cares what party he belongs to.
Bryan Walton
Spring Green