October 20, 2017 at 11:25 a.m.

Dodgers end season win SWC win over Hornets

A 28-21 win over Richland Center in a game between two teams looking for their first SWC mark in the left column was the way the Dodgeville football team wanted to end their season.
The Dodgers welcomed back David McGuire to the quarterback position ending a few weeks of adjusting and the scoring was passed around more than usual.
Noah Durst got the Dodgers going with a 22 yard run in the first quarter and Jonathan Geisking drove in from the five for a second score. McGuire ran in a two point conversion after the score by Durst and RJ Veinberg kicked the extra point after Geisking stepped into the end zone.
After Keon Miller ran for a 61 yard score and added the conversion to end the half, Zack Weber opened the third frame, going on a road trip from 70 yards away and Veinberg kicked the conversion. McGuire then fired a pass to Nathan James that ended up in the end zone from 36 yards out to make it 28-8.
The Hornets rallied in the fourth frame with 13 points on a pair of Miller touchdowns from the 10 and the 40 to end it 28-21.
Miller had quite a game for the Hornets as he passed for 118 yards and had 25 carries for 203 yards.
Weber had the big night rushing for the Dodgers with 18 carries that netted 203 yards.
McGuire had an efficient night throwing the football with 80 yards on four of five completions.
James had four catches for 75 yards.
The Dodgers played loose and free with a winning attitude in their finale.
"The attitude of the kids was great coming into the game," coach Josh Busch said. "They did a really nice job of being focused on all week in practice and carried that into the game. I think that was obvious by the way we started, getting a stop on RC's first possession, and scoring in three plays on our first possession. I think that we way we played last week gave us confidence and we were able to carry that over this week."
Busch said having the regular quarterback for the game was a plus.
"It was nice to have David back under center," Busch said, "I was happy for him that he got to play in this game."
It was fitting to have him back after fighting injuries all season.
"Injuries did affect our season, and I think that the everyone knows that," Busch said. "When you have a smaller group of kids the injuries seem to stand our a bit more that usual. To the kids credit they never used that as a excuse. They kept working and I thought our younger kids who tried to step in did a nice job for us. Hopefully the bit if experience will help in upcoming seasons."
Busch also said it was nice to see Weber complete a very successful season.
"Zack did have a nice game," Busch said. "I think that is third 200 yard rushing game and it also sent him over the 1,000 yard mark for the season as well. When we can get him going that is a huge boost to our offense, and when we get him going that means that Brayden Boley, Cooper, Stewart, Jarek Hlavac, Amilio Tennant, and Shelby Jones are doing a good job up front creating space for Zack, and our other backs, to run. It was good to see it come together one last time."
Busch reflected on the 2017 campaign.
"Looking back on our season I would say it was a positive first year," he said. "I was happy with the way that the boys bought in and that is one thing that you fear as a coach is that the kids won't buy into what you are trying to accomplish and how you are trying to accomplish it. But these guys bought in from the first day of camp and I credit the seniors with that. They did a great job of leading our younger kids and buying in to what we were trying to get done as coaches. Our seniors, though not only 9, are and talented bunch. All of them contributed in a big way this year and we wish them the best as they move on into other sports, and as they move on into their future."
"We had some rough spots, some mental lapses, some old habits returning, but we fought through and the kids really pulled each other through," Busch added. "Going through some of the obstacles that we did, low numbers, injuries, I am very proud of these kids and the effort that they gave. That being said, we still have a lot of work to do. The kids know what needs to be done, now it is a choice that they have to make. We need to be better coaches as well, it is our responsibility as coaches to build the numbers in the program, and to make sure that we continue building an environment where kids continue to grow as football players, and young men. These kids have more in them, it is our job to get it out of them. We are off to a good start, but we can't be satisfied....ever."
"I hope Mineral Point wins on Friday and makes a long run into the playoffs. I have a lot of respect for Coach Palzkill and everyone in Mineral Point, but I want to host Dodgeville playoff games, not Mineral Point playoff games. That time is coming."