March 11, 2016 at 9:58 a.m.

Eagle girls topple Potosi

The Barneveld girls basketball team had little trouble with a previously hot Potosi team Friday night as they cruised to 67-30 sectional semifinal win at Mineral Point.
Potosi, a #3 seed, had previously bumped off #2 River Ridge and #1 Shullsburg before meeting up with the defending D5 state champs.
The Eagles hit seven of their nine three pointers in the first half and held a 36-12 lead at halftime.
Teegan Pickarts started the draining of threes and was followed by another from Hannah Whitish, a two from Mattie Schave and yet another trey by Kelsee Fargo for a quick 11-0 lead. They were never challenged.
Fargo nailed two threes in each half and emerged the game's leading scorer with 20 points.
Mia Whitish ruled the inside and scored 19 on great assists from several players, including her cousin Hannah. The Lady Chieftains played a box and one on the Eagles' leading scorer Hannah Whitish, limiting her to 11 points, but that led to her having a host of assists and openings from the outside for several players to score more.
Pickarts also collected 11 points on the night, including a trio of threes..
"Kelsee played very well for us," said Barneveld coach Doug Pickarts. "She's had the opportunity to shoot more other games and has passed up the shot. We told her she had to take that open shot because teams will be concentrating more and more on Hannah. She does so much more that score. She distributes, rebounds and plays tough defense."
"We knew the box and one was coming on Hannah and told the other kids they had to adjust and they did," he added. "We shot extremely well from the perimeter, especially in the first half."
"Potosi helped us out too by missing some easy shots at the start," Pickarts concluded.
The Lady Chieftains were led in scoring by sophomore Abby Kaiser with 12 points. Senior point guard Maddie Hawes had nine in her final game.
POTOSI 12 18-30
BARNEVELD  36 31-67
POTOSI 30 (fg, ft, tp) Taylor Pluemer 0-0-0, Kaiser 6-0/5-12, Hawes 3-3/3-9, Bloyer 2-0-4, Horner 0-0-0, Noonan 0-0-0, Mayers 0-0-0, McKillip 1-0/2-3, Langkamp 0-0-0, Jantzen 0-0-0, Toni Pluemer 0-0-0, Gibson 1-0-2, Udelhoven 0-0-0. Totals 13-3/10-30. F-17. 3-pointers: McKillip 1.
BARNEVELD 67: Fargo 8-0-20. Sutter 0-0/1-0, Walker 0-0/1-0, Bahr 0-0-0, Skaife 0-0-0, Pickarts 3-2/2-11, H. Whitish 4-2/2-11, M. Whitish 6-6/7-19, Murphy 1-1/2-3, Schave 1-0-2, Cannoy 0-0-0, Malin 0-1/2-1, Hogan-Weier 0-0-0. Totals 23-12/17-67. F-18. 3-pointers: Fargo 4, Pickarts 3, H. Whitish 1, M. Whitish 1.