December 31, 2015 at 8:39 a.m.

Eagle girls top Hornets, lose Hannah Whitish

Hannah Whitish poured in 27 points in the first half to give her Barneveld girls team a 53-29 lead at that point.
That was also about the point she exited the game with an ankle sprain.
The Eagles went on for a 79-60 win over Richland Center in the first round of their Holiday Tournament.
Now they will have to learn houw to play without their D1 Nebraska recruit in the finale that was played last night (Wednesday) when they play Platteville.
Also, her cousin Mia, took an elbow to the nose and is 50/50 for the finale. She had 14 points in the first session.
"It was a very physical game," said Barneveld coach Doug Pickarts. "I was proud of the kids. They didn't back down. In the second half, Teegan (Pickarts) made some nice drives and hit a three, Maddie (Shave) hit some big buckets and free throws and Abby Sutter hit a big bucket."
About Hannah Whitish, Pickarts said, "She was on fire in the first half. She only needed two threes in the second half to set a single game record. I couldn't believe the open looks they were giving her. I knew she was hurt when she wasn't moving. She's a gamer."
The Lady Hornets outscored the Eales 31-26 in the second half.
They were led by Brooklyn Liegel's 16 points with Kloie Kinney adding 15 and Madison Rizner hitting 14.
Beside's Hannah and Mia Whitish with 27 and 14, Teegan Pickarts hit 15, with 13 coming in the second half.
RC 29 31-60
B 53 26-79
RICHLAND CENTER 60 (fg, ft, tp) Whitney 1-0-3, Perkins 1-2/3-4, Risner 5-4/10-14, Kinney 5-5/6-15, Liegel 5-2/2-16, Schauf 1-0-2, Peterson 2-2/3-6. Totals 20-15/24-60. F-20. FO-Whitney. 3-pointers: Whitney 1, Liegel 4.
Barneveld 79: Fargo 1-1/3-3, Sutter 1-0-2, Walker 1-0/2-2, Skaife 1-2/3-4, Pickarts 6-1/2-15, H. Whitish 10-1/1-27, M. Witish 5-2/4-14, Schave 3-3/4-9, Malin 1-1/2-3. Totals 29-11/21-79. F-15. 3-pointers: Pickarts 2, H. Whitish 6, M. Whitish 2.