December 24, 2015 at 10:32 a.m.

Dodgeville girls trip Sauk Prairie

Hannah Jones hit 22 pins and Megan Pluemer and Madison Stumpf added 10 each to lead the Dodgeville girls basketball team to a 51-47 non-conference win at Sauk-Prairie Tuesday night.
The Dodgers led 23-16 at the half and never relinquished the lead.
They were up 11 in the second half, but Sauk Prairie wouldn't go away.
"Give them (SP) credit. They kept coming back at us," said Dodger coach Mark Dooley. "They wouldn't quit. We fouled them too many times and they hit 13 of 16 in the second half to keep in it."
"This was our second game without Kara (Crowley, who is out ill) and the girls did a great job," he added. "Everybody who played scored. It was a great team effort."
Besides the scoring of Jones, Dooley mentioned the rebounding by Stumpf, Pluemer and Ellie Argall. He also said that Katie Cushman had some tips that threw off their offense and that Brooke Rhyner helped out on defense and rebounding.
Sauk-Prairie was led in scoring by Taylor Greenheck with 16 points. Lydia Breunig added 13, including going 9x10 from the free throw line.
DODGEVILLE   23 28-51
DODGEVILLE 51 (fg, ft, tp) Bauer 1-0-2, Stumpf 4-2/3-10, Jnes 8-5/7-22, Argall 1-0-2, Cushman 1-0/3-3, Pluemer 2-6/9-10, Rhyner 0-2/2-2. Totals 17-15/24-51. F-15. 3-pointers: Jones 1, Cushman 1.
SAUK-PRAIRIE 47: Ballweg 2-0-4, L. Breunig 2-9/10-13, Baker 1-0-2, Greenheck 5-6/7-16, Hupp 1-2/2-4, Schneider 1-2/3-4, Schutt 2-0-4. Totals 14-19/22-47. F-23. 3-pointers: none.