October 17, 2012 at 4:04 p.m.
Along The Ad Routes
By Mike Reilly-mreilly@thedodgevillechronicle.com
The four "breakfast amigos", Terry Carroll, Dewey Christoph, Bob Kratochwill and me, made a trip to "The Ridge" in Ridgeway for breakfast Saturday morning around 7:30. A fellow named John Greene, handles ALL of the breakfasts on Saturday and maybe every day, but Saturday is the only day we have been there. He had a pretty much a full house in the main bar room that day, but somehow managed to take the orders, cook the food, serve the coffee and beverages and clear the tables until help arrived around 9 a.m.
I'm not very adept with the hammer and pretty much any of the tools you use in building something. For the last two weeks, members of the Dodgeville Lions Club (of which I am a member) have been working to erect a storage shed at Harris Park that will hold the tables they use for their Antiques Show & Flea Markets and that they rent out to clubs or individuals who need them for special gatherings. It will also hold the signs they put out along the highways to advertise the event the day(s) of. I stopped out there one day last week as the project was nearing completion to take a few photos. I had about an hour before I had another appointment, so I chipped in to help out. It was pretty windy, so I helped hand metal pieces of roofing up to Terry Carroll, Bob Kratochwill and Gregg Waterman, who were working at that time. It took two to do the handing off of the roofing since the wind was so strong. And NO they didn't let me touch any tools for fear that I might break them or MYSELF!
When I talked about Saturday's rain, well we had even more on Sunday - early morning heavy and into the afternoon. That fall time rain is great for the farmers' fields. The ones who still have work to do in the fields may have had work delayed a little however!
I made a stop at the former Courthouse Inn (Jimmy's, Mel's, Time Out) Restaurant on Sunday - taking a chance things would be going on. Sure enough, the "Marklein crew" was busy painting, hammering and building rooms for their gift shop, coffee shop, etc. and Bob and his wife were working on the restaurant side. I got a little tour of the place and it's coming along nicely. It won't be long and the restaurant will be open and a little later will come the other spots!