May 23, 2012 at 12:50 p.m.

Along The Ad Routes

By Mike

The Dodgeville EMS hosted a FREE pancake breakfast Sunday as part of an open house during EMS Week. They served a lot of people and had some great displays for all ages - even a bike helmet fitting spot, a bagpiper, a "cooling down" fan and more!
If anyone missed getting any of those great home grown plants the Uplands Garden Club had at Harris Park Saturday or those at the Iowa County Humane Society that same day, you get another chance this Saturday at the Iowa County Humane Society. I stopped at both places and saw a bunch of people carrying a lot of plants out and some hauling them away in wagons!
This week is the start of the area graduations with Mineral Point's and Pecatonica's on Friday, Highland's on Saturday afternoon and Iowa-Grant's on Sunday afternoon. Barneveld's is the following Saturday and Dodgeville's is the following Sunday.
i took a fall inside of the Chronicle office Friday after lunch and went down on my knee. I had my hands full when I tripped and figured my knee would be better than my elbow or shoulder to land on - yes i had time to think about it as I didn't want to mess up what I had in my arms! That made for a pretty rough time going to golf and then baseball that afternoon and even on Saturday to the things i went to. After icing it down Friday night, part of Saturday and Saturday night, I could walk a lot better on Sunday. I ushered in church and ran the concession stand at the Knights home talent game. I'm still hobbling a little, but it's coming! I used to bounce right back from such things a few years back - well maybe more than "few" years!
I kept hearing something about my late buddy's place - you know the "Not So" Quality Bakery - being named the best bakery in Southwestern Wisconsin. I was asked to do a little investigating about how this came about, so I did. It originated on FACEBOOK, so right there is probably why I didn't know anything about it! My guess is that it started in Dodgeville and probably never got any further! The second "BEST" bakery was none other than another Crubaugh's - Joe's bakery in Stoughton. I have a feeling it was all rigged! Anyway, with the number of votes that was cast, probably only the Crubaugh family voted - there certainly is enough of them!
All kidding aside - Congratulations to Brian Crubaugh for his award as "The Best Bakery in Southwestern Wisconsin"! There isn't a family that works harder!
For those of you that don't know some of the history between me and that bakery - it all started the first time I met Mike (some 50 years ago), the late patriarch of the family, whose wife Florence owns the business next door - Linen's and Accents. Anyway, when I began writing this column some 30+ years ago, I realized a good ending to each column would be some sort of jerky statement about a business in the area. I tossed and turned during the night just thinking about the different businesses and what to say about them and who would be offended or not if I said things about them or if I forgot somebody. Then it donned on me - I should pick a business who doesn't need the promoting (advertising) and Mike's bakery came to light. So the feud began. I'd say something about either him or his baked goods (like they're as good a week later as the day you buy them!) or about him giving me the lone finger when he'd see me or spitting in his hand before shaking mine (after I had offered my hand to him in friendship). We followed each other in the Farmers Appreciation Day "Dunk Tank" and challenged each other in a Dodgeville "fun run". We even went up against each other in a milking contest during Farmers Appreciation Day. It was a lot of fun until he got terribly ill and soon passed away. The community lost a "one of a kind" and a great person when Mike moved on!