February 9, 2012 at 12:23 p.m.

Honerbaum-Jacobson wed

Honerbaum-Jacobson wed
Honerbaum-Jacobson wed

Erin Honerbaum and Marc Jacobson were married Friday, October 9, 2011 on Clearwater Beach in Florida. Erin is the daughter of Kathy and the late Duane Honerbaum and Marc is the son of Dianne and Jerry Jacobson, all of Dodgeville.
Matron of honor was Megan Roethe Newman and bridesmaids were Jen Burke and Laura Reilly. Best man was Marc Licauli and groomsmen were Jeff Marmorstone and Jerry Jacobson, father of the groom.
Erin was escorted by her brother, Peter Honerbaum.
Rose petals were scattered on the sand by Erin and Marc's nieces, Lauren Fredrich, Elle Honerbaum and Libby Honerbaum.
Kathy Honerbaum was escorted by her grandsons, Aidan Harper and Joey Honerbaum.
Following the ceremony, a celebration dinner was held at Bob Heilamen's Beachcomber restaurant in Clearwater Beach. The reception was held at Tyrol Basin in Mt. Horeb on October 22nd.
Thank you to our family and friends who helped us celebrate our marriage, and a special thanks to whomever arranged for the pre-wedding dolphin show and the rainbow - priceless!